So at appears as a good work..........otherwise i was thinking to abort it.
But it has developed something which can draw a verse on our face...
I am talking about the short film which we made in a very short time.
On 13th December,11:00 pm
We decided to make a movie.
On 14th December,12:00 noon
We are at place to shoot.
On 15th December,2:00 pm
We are having the DVD of film.
We tried to make a nice work.......there was a lot of difficulties....but at least we put hard efforts...
I am very thankful to all the team....who supports...tries.....pushy...and there are lots of words to describe them....but one is that which is called "FRIEND".
They are my friends...and we made a simple thing which shows a cutting cup of tea.
"ચા ની કિટલી"
જયાં અમે રોજ ટાઇમપાસ કરીએ છીએ.....એ કિટલી પર બનેલી એક સૂક્ષ્મ ઘટના......
બસ એ અમારી ફીલ્મ....... "one cutting smile".
Ahmadabad has completed its 600 years.......and this venture exhibit the culture....of Ahmadabad...where people share such kind of things i said above.
But we couldn't say it only for Ahmadabad....we can see that wherever people live and when they perform humanity.Try to create a simple smile on a face of an unknown leads us to make this film....and i wish that we have did it.
Named "one cutting smile"......abhinay did good camera and edit.....
acted by dilip...pratiek....pritesh...maulik...hameer....mohan...chai wale chacha......jay did backstage....bhaumik inspired a lot....and me, dhrunad only watching them they were doing good or not...???
Nisargbhai has supported a lot.
This isn't the best we did...we are very unsatisfied with our work...that we didn't get time to make it more beautiful...but it is good.
Screening of short listed films from the Citylights Short Film Competition.
Mahesh Bhatt, Naushil Mehta and Mira Lakhia, Anusha Rizvi[Dir:Pipli Live].
Screening of short films at Natarani on 16th Dec’ 2010 at 7:30pm
The film has been awarded as the “Best Short film” at City lights short film competition.
An Acktor’s Theatre Production
Directed by Dhrunad Kamle
Screenplay, Cinematography & Film Edited by Abhinay Banker
Production Manager: Bhaummik Trivedi
The cast: Dilip Bharvad, Pratik Dave, Maulik Vyas & Pritesh Shah
Technical team: Jay Makwana, Dilip Bharvad
Special Thanks: Jalam Sinh (Chai wale chcha) Mohan & Hameer.
"We have won."
And what else.......
It ends here.